What we do

Tailored Solutions for the Unique Challenges of Berry Farming
Research & Extension Services
- Expert Consultation and Project Advisory Services
- Trouble-shooting agronomic and fruit quality issues
- Technical advice to meet market access requirements
- On-farm trials to answer essential agronomic questions
- Interpretation and delivery of scientific insights to grower groups
Plant Health & Environment
- Safe and effective pest control strategies - Developing and maintaining approved chemical lists & use guides Regulatory support through residue testing programs, WHP development, and spray diary interrogation
- Farm freshwater plans - practical approaches to improving nutrient efficiency and meeting regulatory requirements on berry farms
Healthy Foundation Stock
We manage High Health Foundation Stock for NZ Berryfruit Propagators, developing and supporting the Strawberry High Health Runner Production Scheme. In this capacity, we:
- Maintain high-health strawberry motherstock which feeds the Runner Production Scheme and renews tissue culture stocks
- Test the material coming from the Runner Production Scheme for trueness to type and quality through annual grow-out trials
- Compare new varieties with industry standards in annual variety trials
- Support strawberry runner growers and plug growers with production issues
Berry Farm Consulting
Working closely with individual farms to solve pest and disease issues, hone nutrient plans, and work through production challenges.